
Google Fully Embraces AI Like a Long-Lost Sibling

May 15, 2024

1 min 29 sec read
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We know, we know. These days, everybody seems to be jumping on the AI bandwagon in some way, shape, or form. There seem to be three camps: those who love it, those who hate it, and those who couldn't care less.

Google apparently loves it because now they're introducing numerous updates that welcome AI in all aspects of its presence. In fact, there's so much AI going on with Google that you wonder if a human touch is involved.

Human with arm around a robot, hanging out like friends
First up is Gemini 1.5 Pro, with so many updates it's mind-numbing. Some of the new abilities of this AI "whiz" include conversations that sound more natural, kind of like you're hanging out with a buddy, a beefed-up context window (starting at 1 million tokens), and improved privacy so you don't have to worry about it using anything you say against you. Google says its new context window beats any consumer chatbox available today for its analytical skills.

And we can't forget Google's AI assistant Astra, powered by Gemini Ultra, which is more helpful and Godlike than ever before. Ok, so with a name like Astra, maybe it's Goddess, but you can't be too sure in today's world, so we'll let you decide.

Here's the kicker, this AI assistant can now "read" code, discuss what it "sees" on your screen, and even provide suggestions for improving your advertising. With the new feature "Ask Photos," you can do more than search your extensive photo library for a particular memory. Now, you can ask Astra to find a specific picture, just like you would with a human, except it's not a human, it's an AI assistant that can do it faster than you. The best part is, you no longer have to spend hours sifting through your photo library. Say, "Hey, find the image of me falling into the lake," and voila, you can instantly relive the moment.

And now you can say bye to pesky real friends and have "live" and natural chats with Gemini just like you did the old school way with real people, right in your Google messaging app.

At Google's current rate, AI will soon run the company. In the meantime, buckle up for more AI fun than ever before.

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Categories: Google, Technology
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