
LinkedIn Is Launching a Business Manager and Adds New Features

June 08, 2022

0 min 52 sec read
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LinkedIn has some exciting new features and updates coming your way.

They're making it easier for you to manage your accounts, pages, and people as they plan on launching their LinkedIn Business Manager in the coming weeks.

Laptop Displaying Business Manager Dashboard That LinkedIn's Launching Soon and Will Add Features for Teams
The LinkedIn Business Manager will be a centralized platform that's designed to make it easy for agencies and businesses to manage people, ad accounts, Pages, and the companies they work with.

The platform will allow you to spend less time on administrative tasks like user permissions and billing and instead focus on how your ad campaigns perform. The Business Manager will let you manage user permission across Pages in one place, and you can download invoices directly from the platform.

In your campaigns, you'll be able to share and update Matched Audiences across ad accounts, quickly reach buyers, and save time reaching them. You can navigate between interfaces such as the Business Manager, Campaign Manager, and Pages inside a single dashboard.

A few companies have already tested LinkedIn's Business Manager and had great things to say about it. They said they experienced immediate value from the platform, allowing them to create and execute engaging campaigns at no added cost.

LinkedIn's Business Manager is set to launch soon, and we can't wait to see how it'll help us work smarter, not harder.

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