TikTok Wants Your Brand To Be a Laughing Matter
February 01, 2024
1 min 32 sec read
We can all use a good joke, right? According to TikTok, being funny is the "in thing," Now,
TikTok is pushing for brands to step it up in the humor department, for their own good, of course.

According to TikTok, 30% of its users say the funny stuff in a creator's content was why they purchased the product. TikTok users have also made "Funny" the leading video category, and 7 0ut of 10 video junkies say making them laugh until they're crying is one of the biggest reasons they enjoy watching anything on TikTok.
Think about this: Videos on the platform with the hashtags #funny and #comedy have six trillion in-app views. That's a whole lot of jokes, and somebody's making money in there somewhere.
With this data firmly grasped in hand, TikTok suggests brands think about bringing more humor to the platform and, you know, lighten up a bit. And if you're not naturally funny as a brand, you can always get help by seeking creators who know how to laugh at life.
TikTok suggests checking out creators in the Creator Marketplace to find creators who align with their message and know how to deliver it with a slice of funny bread. This isn't bad for TikTok or its creators either because it helps ensure more of its big-time TikTok creators get paid in the app.
After all, it's always about the bottom line, and the big TikTok stars help make the ball bounce.
TikTok tips for brands looking to mine the funny farm include getting to know memes, learning Trend remixing (which has led to an average 14% uplift in view time for ads), and getting a bit creative with style by stepping outside the box.
TikTok warns that turning to humor does come with a risk factor. In short, if you're not very good at being funny, you could come off as insensitive, narrow-minded, mean, or just plain goofy, like when somebody tells those "dad jokes."
The bottom line is that TikTok wants us all to laugh a little more, which isn't bad, right?
We can all use a laugh now and then, and if you're a brand that knows how to make people laugh so hard they spit coffee on their laptops, you could be laughing all the way to the bank.
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