X Drops the Mic (and the Price): Elon Announces Affordable Verification Packages
January 09, 2024
1 min 22 sec read
Ah, the whimsical world of social media, where blue checkmarks are the digital currency of clout. In a surprising turn of events, X has decided to bestow upon us mere mortals a more
wallet-friendly version of their verification subscriptions. Because, clearly, dropping a grand a month for a golden checkmark was just the epitome of frugality. But worry not, for X has listened to the cries of the common folk and now presents a slimmer $200 per month package. It's like a Black Friday sale on digital bragging rights.

So, what's in this budget-friendly bundle of joy? Well, you still get the golden checkmark for your brand profile, because obviously, your self-worth hinges on the color of your checkmark. But wait, there's more – priority support, the perks of X Premium+, access to job listings via X Hiring, and a few other goodies thrown in. All for a fraction of the original price.
Now, you might be asking, "Why in the digital cosmos would anyone keep paying a grand a month?" Good question. The high rollers still get additional reach boosts for their posts, as if their content wasn't already flooding our feeds. Oh, and there's this delightful feature called "Affiliates," where you can generously sprinkle blue checkmarks on your staff.
Sure, X may have devalued what blue checkmarks actually mean, but fear not, big brands – paying a grand a month still comes with "significantly more benefits." More ad credits, for one. Because, you know, posting content for free is so last season. Maybe, just maybe, it's worth dropping a grand if you're planning to flood our screens with ads. The economics, my dear Watson, will vary by business.
In conclusion, $200 a month is the new black for business verification. X, it seems, has finally realized that not everyone's pockets are as deep as the Mariana Trench. Bravo! It's almost like they should've offered this more reasonable package from the start instead of the ludicrous gold-checkmark-for-a-grand charade. Welcome to the age of digital affordability, where even your online status comes with a discount.
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